4 Superfoods For Stress Relief
There are lots of things people don't know—or understand—about stress and weight gain.

Have you ever seen someone—who is stressed beyond belief—with a piece of fruit or some grilled chicken in their hand?
No you haven't. People who are stressed often times resort to eating unhealthy foods—mostly foods that are high in sugar and fat and are heavily processed.
Those people don't understand that the unhealthy food choices they make are like holding a match to a gallon of gasoline—it's only going to explode, possibly leading to increased weight gain.
All those foods do is make you gain weight... lead to type 2 diabetes... heart disease... and possibly even cancer!
But people who are stressed out LOVE sugary, fatty, and processed foods. They LOVE COMFORT FOODS.
But health professionals, dietitians, and nutritionists know that these foods are NOT the secret to a flatter midsection or a leaner, toner body.
In fact, most professionals know that in times of stress, the best foods to eat are wholesome and nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables.
They know this because they understand that most comfort foods are loaded with calories, which will only go straight to your hips, butt, thighs, and belly.
I need to confess something:
I've been there before. I used to be a guy that was constantly stressed. With a high-stressed office job, a long commute, and deadline after deadline, I used to turn to comfort foods to calm my nerves and boost my overall mood.
It only lasted for a few minutes…or an hour tops. Not only was I unhappy... I started to put on weight.
It could be a few pounds here or there... that I could lose by putting in a little extra effort at the gym.
That was until it didn't work... until the couple extra pounds became 10... then 20. It was harder and harder to take off the weight—so I know firsthand how "stress eating" those comfort foods just doesn't work if you're trying to lose weight or shed some body fat.
So I am here to tell you…
Here's What NOT To Do

If you're a stress eater and you're also trying to lose weight or get healthier, then you need to steer clear of your typical comfort foods. Foods that are loaded with calories, sugar, and fat only add to your blossoming bottom or bulging waistline.
They mess with your metabolism... dump loads of sugar into your blood... and cause even MORE cravings, which only add to the problem (and the fat layers).
And these foods make it IMPOSSIBLE to lose weight—or even stay at a healthy weight. So what's a person to do?
Instead of eating sugary, fatty junk food, you need to think differently... eat differently... and act differently around food.
You need to focus your efforts on eating more wholesome, healthy, and nutritious foods... foods that will satisfy your sweet tooth, ease your anxiety, and blast away unwanted fat stores.
But people look at these foods and think "This bag of carrots won't satisfy my appetite. That slice of triple chocolate brownie fudge cake will though."
Let me tell you…
What 1000 Unsuccessful Transformations
Gone Wrong Taught Me
After trying everything that I could find on the internet…after listening to guru after guru…and after failing more times than I can remember, I finally went back to the old tried and true method. The tips that helped me—at one point in my life—lose 20 pounds almost overnight.
I changed the way I looked at food—especially when I was stressed. I knew that my body wanted fat and sugar, so I looked for foods that could deliver both—but in a safe and healthy way.
And that, my friends, is when the magic started to happen!
I learned that eating foods that mimicked comfort foods not only stopped my shaky fingers and lowered the typical blood sugar dump that occurred during a stressful period…
…also gave me the energy to play with my kids, the focus to complete tasks on time (even early), and the drive I needed to lose the last 20 pounds to improve my health and transform my body.
And that, my friends, is what I would like to show you today—the exact foods I use during stressful times that keep my body in tip-top shape and calm my nerves when they are going haywire.
Here's my list of go-to healthy "comfort foods"
1. Wild-Caught Alaskan Salmon
If you're going to calm your anxiety—while keeping your health and nutrition in focus—then you need to consider eating more wild-caught fatty fish, like Alaskan Salmon! Salmon contains the omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA, which studies have shown could reduce anxiety and boost your emotional well-being.
Not a fan of fish? There are plenty of supplements out there (Krill Oil especially) that contain your daily dose of the omega-3 fatty acids that your body needs to reduce stress and anxiety.
A recent study showed a 20% reduction in stress and anxiety among medical students who were using omega-3 fatty acid supplements (or eating more fish)!
2. Blueberries
These tiny little blue berries contain a powerful punch when it comes to brain, heart, and overall health. They are full of anthocyanins, a powerful antioxidant, that aid your brain in producing dopamine.
Dopamine is a brain chemical that is responsible for coordination, memory, and mood. Higher levels of dopamine may improve your overall brain health. But that's not all:
According to a Time Magazine article, blueberries may improve your immune function, which could aid in stress reduction. The article highlights that blueberry eaters may have higher levels of killer cells (an immune cell) that aids in boosting your immune system.
This boost in your immune system could lower stress and inflammation levels.
3. Avocado
Avocados are a superfood that everyone should be eating more off. Packed with over 20 different nutrients, avocados are a must for anyone looking to lose weight.
Avocados contain plenty of vitamin B, vitamin E, potassium, and folate which makes it a perfect fat loss weapon to have in your arsenal.
Plus, it's loaded with healthy fats that could keep you satisfied for hours on end, which could prevent you from overeating at snack time or at your next meal.
A recent study showed that people who ate just half an avocado at lunch, were 40 percent less likely to be hungry three hours post lunch.
They were also 28 percent less likely to be hungry at the five-hour mark compared to those who didn't eat the avocado.
If you're serious about your weight loss, then avocados is a must-have on your food list.
4. Seeds
One way to reduce stress and improve brain health is to include more magnesium into your diet.
And the best way to do that is with various nuts and seeds! Most seeds, like sunflower and chia seeds, contain loads of magnesium, which could reduce stress and improve your emotion well-being.
Magnesium is a precursor to the brain neurotransmitter, serotonin. The higher your serotonin, the better your mood and the lower your stress!
Other great magnesium sources include dark, leafy greens, some beans, nuts, and other seeds. If you're looking to reduce your stress, then including more magnesium-rich foods, such as seeds, nuts, dark leafy greens, and avocados are all excellent sources.
How to AVOID the Dangers of Stress
Every single day, you are bombarded by issues that cause you stress. From hectic work schedules to shuttling kids back and forth between practice and recitals—all while trying to get your work done—could easily increase your stress and wreak havoc on your body.
And all this stress could increase cortisol levels, therefore leading to increasd food cravings... emotional eating... or stress eating.
Don't let it! The four foods above have been shown to lower stress levels, therefore keeping those food cravings at bay—so you don't end up packing on the pounds.
If you're curious about a safe and natural approach to lowering your stress levels AND losing weight, then I highly suggest you take a look at LeptiSense.
With two research-backed nutrients, LeptiSense could be your answer for stress relief and accelerating your metabolism.
See for yourself just how easy it could be to lower your stress levels (even when you're the most hectic) and accelerate your metabolism.
Click on over to LeptiSense now and alleviate your stress... boost your metabolism... and say good-bye to your love handles for good.